I am a solitary Witch and consider myself Wiccan. This website is about the Wiccan religion and my personal views and ideas.
Picture of my altar for Beltane 2011
First Book
To my Goddess
October 31-Sahmain
Sahmain is often celebrated as the wiccans New Year. It symbolizes the end of summer, with lengthened nights and the beginning of winter. This night is considered the one night where the seperation of the land of the living and the dead is at it's smallest point, and it is therefore common practice to have the dead visit the world of the living on this night.
December 21-Winter Solstice
The winter solstice or Yule is used to represent the turning point in the year. It is the time of the greatest darkness of the year when we must take time to seek within and find our true selves. This is considered in most Wiccan religions the time when the goddess gave birth to the sun. In celebration many Wiccans light fires or candles to celebrate the arrival of the sun god.
February 20-Imbolac
Imbolac is the celebration of when spring begins to stir.It is especialy sacred to the Pagan Fire Goddess.
March 21-Ostara/Spring or Vernal Equinox
The Vernal Equinox of spring is celebrated with night and day in perfect balance but light on the increase. It symbolizes the wedding of the Sun God to the Maiden Goddess who in nine months gives birth. It is a time of new life and growth.
April 30-Beltane
Beltane is the celebration of the coronation of the sun god. It is the very begining of summer when temperatures rise and plant life flourishes.It is also called May Eve and is celebated the next day with dancing around the Maypole.
June 21-Summer Solstice/Litha
Litha is the celebration of the longest day of the year.The Sun God has reached a point of his greatest strength and life is abundant.
August 1-Lughnasadh
Lughnasadh is the celebration of the funeral games held forTalite, foster mother of the Sun God. Mairrages are celebrated at this time as well as the first reaping of the harvest.
September 21-Automnal Equinox/Mabon
This holiday is known as the day of the Sun God, for it is today that he is killed by his evil twin, the God of Darkness.Once more the nights are equal, but from now on, darkness is greater than light. Nature draws back it's bounty in grief, preparing for renewal.
Oath of Witchcraft
I undertake this path of my own free will and for the good of myself and of humankind.
I will follow the Wiccan Law -
Do as thou wilt - But harm ye none.
I do not seek powers over others but aim to increase my own knowledge, self-esteem and happiness through the Craft. I cast no spell against another's wishes or their best interests. I embrace the Law of Threefold Return - what I cast out into the universe will return to me three times as powerful.
I promise to keep the identity of my fellow Witches secret and help to protect them from harm.
I shall follow my coven's democratic rulings and laws to the best of my abilities. I will attempt to gain a true and deep understanding of the Craft. I respect all life as sacred and treat the earth and its inhabitants with love and care. I thank the Goddess for this path, and promise to uphold the best traditions of the Craft.
My Morning Ritual
Passion and Love Spell
1. Purpous of Ritual:
To bring passion and love into my and my partners life.
2. Ritual Prep:
Bell, red altar cloth, roses, heart shaped box, quartz crystal, red ribbon, red candles, one silver candle (Goddess), one gold candle (Gpd), rose incense, sexual oil
3. Opening circle:
Use broom to sweep as you walk in a circle around altar in clockwise motion. Imagine broom leaving trails of light and energy. Begin at East, Say: "Ye Gaurdians of the watch tower of the 'East' I do summon, stir and call you now. To witness and protect this rite and guard this circle." Continue with... south, west, north.Now imagine you are between the worlds.
4. Innvocation of the Dieties:
Say: "I, (name), align myself with Bridgid. In this day and in this hour! I call upon the ancient power!" Light silver candle, representing Diety. Ring bell once to signal the opening of your ceramony. Bell invites energy of diety in.
5. Statement of purpous:
Light all other candles and say,
"I waken the flam of desire (x3)
As these candles burn
Keep devotion and adoration burning in our hearts.
Venus grant me this love and desire we need.
With whom I share my fate.
Love and trust, passion and pleasure a must.
Please, extend our relationship.
Suductive and sweet, my lips do say:
Romance be mine, a time to play
I fascinate, bewitch, enchant, and allure.
The mysteries of love
To experience for sure.
My passion is peaked
And return in kind
To frolic and flirt, inhibitations unwind.
When time is done and desire fullfilled
All are released from my will.
6. Meditation
Meditate on what yu desire to achieve from this spell, Say:
" I have cast a circle this day to perform the act of dedication of my mind, body, spirit. I will hold two perfect words in my heart, perfect love and perfect trust. I vow to honor the path, the devine, and myself" Pick up wand and say: "Blessed be my heart. That it may beat steady and true. May the warmth of my love spread.
7. Thank Dieties
Say: "I, (name), wish to thank the Lord and Lady for presiding over this ritual. May we walk together in light forever"
8. Close:
Say: "This circle is open, but never broken!"
New Moon
The new moon is the beginning of the lunar cycle, and means that the moon is completely in line with the sun and the earth. We see a dark sky with no visible moon. It's a time of newness and rejuvenation.Spells: New beginnings of any sort, beauty, health, personal improvement or new employment.
Waxing Moon
The waxing moon is the period of time between the new moon and the full moon. Every night, the moon gets a little larger. Any spellwork that requires growth should be done now.
Spells: Courage, motivation, inspiration, friendship, elemental magick, healing or luck.
Full Moon
This is a time when the Moon is at its most powerful, and the magic most potent. Performing any positive spell at this time will achieve good results. Spells: Artistic projects, love, romance, fertility, psychic abilities or making decisions. Also healing, guidance, and completion spells.
Waning Moon
The moon is waning as it gets smaller again, after the full moon. As the moon seems to disappear in the sky, use this time to do spellwork to remove things from your life. The waning moon is a good time for the casting out of the old ways, banishing old habits, smoking, eating habits, the removal of troubles and worries.
Dark of the Moon - The Dark of the Moon (or Dark Moon) is traditionally the last three days of the Lunar cycle, immediately preceding the New Moon, and the time when the night sky is notably absent the presence of the Moon. George [1] notes that: “The earliest peoples understood that the power of life lay in the darkness of the moon.” “The purpose of the dark phase of any cycle is that of transition between the death of the old and the birth of the new. The dark time is a time of retreat, of healing, and of dreaming of the future.” i.e. the fallow times preceding outbursts of creativity and growth.
Moon Phases
My ideas on the Wiccan religion
Each Wiccan is pagan and has their own set of unique beliefs, rituals, and practices. All wiccans share a Goddess and God, a respect for nature, with their own personal definition. We see all things as part of the Goddess. Seeing Earth herself as a living organism that we are all part of. The Goddess is within all things, including daily life. We believe of an existence of supernatural powers. Wiccans practice their religion with meditation, chants, visualizations, spells, and rituals. We all have our own inner belief system.
Wiccans have behavior rules. One comes from the "Wiccan Rede". "And it harm none. Do what ye will. Blessed be!" To wiccans it means there are consequences to our actions and we must consider all possibilities before acting. Whatever we do comes back to us by three. Another behavior rule, we do not blame anyone or anything for our mistakes or short comings. We honor and respect life and all of its many manifestations seen or unseen. Our common goal is to live a peaceful and balanced life and way of thinking. To live in harmony.
We believe that the spirit of the One, Goddess and God exist in all things. They exist in the air, trees, animals, and us. Also, we worship the spirits of the elements. Earth, Air, Fire, Water. Combined the elements manifest all creations. From the elements we obtain insight of nature and our own lives. They help us promote the feeling of fulfillment with the divine and all that exists. We celebrate the cycles of nature, lunar phases, and seasons. We do this to strengthen our spirituality. This is our way of worshiping.
We also cast spells. When wiccans cast spells they usually involve healing, love, harmony, wisdom, creativity, and strength. At least my spells do. One of our most well known symbols is the pentagram. It represents the five elements: earth, air, fire, water, spirit. Spirit is the energy vibration attributed to everything. Again, everything is connected to everything.
Wiccans let love and light be our guide. We believe in perfect love and perfect trust. A Wiccan saying is, "Live you must and let live. Fairly take and fairly give".